Tuesday, December 31, 2013

In Ghana, Finally

These past 48 hours have been ridiculously long and absolutely nonstop, but I'm finally here!

Last night at about 8 PM I landed in Accra. Immediately upon exiting the plane, the rain started. Welcome to Africa? Ha! Because the rain was so unexpected, the people at the airport didn't know exactly what to do and it took upwards of 2 hours for all the luggage to come out. Not to mention, there was major leakage from the ceiling until the rain stopped. It was a mess.

Thankfully, I got both of my bags and found the person waiting for me with my name on a sign (don't you love that?). We headed back to a house in Accra that I was to stay for the night. I was exhausted and nervous and they fact that I was staying in a room without a lock in a house with three strange men didn't help either. But at this point, nothing was keeping me from sleep.

We left Accra early in the morning. He had emphasized that we were leaving at 4:30, so I was up and ready to go (to the sound of roosters, mind you). But naturally, I was the first one up. When he came into my room around quarter of 5 and saw I was up, he said "You're ready, God bless you." That's me, always early! ;)

So we  boarded a bus from Accra to Kumasi, a ride that took another 5 hours. The bus was sweet, sort of like a coach bus, but pimped out in the most 70's way possible. There were colored lights lining the aisle and pink seat covers and fancy trim on the windows. The best part though, is that it was air conditioned and I easily slept almost the whole ride. 

In Kumasi, I met Dora, who is hosting me, and her children Romeo and Mammia. Romeo is 12 and Mammia is almost 3. I already have a little shadow and I love it. 

I took my first shower in what felt like forever--with water from a bucket. It was actually really nice and 
there is no way you can lack water pressure when you're pouring a bucket over your head... Efficiency!

First real meal in what also feels like forever was beans and plantains (YES PEOPLE I ATE THE PLANTAINS!). But anything besides the plain bread I've been eating would have sufficed. 

Sorry for the lack of interesting pictures, I would have taken more, but I spent most of today sleeping and I think I'm about to go do it again.

Tonight is New Year's Eve and Dora is taking me to church. I'm actually pretty psyched. We don't have WiFi in the house so I'm not sure when I will post this or others, but I'll try my best to keep you updated!

Happy New Year!


P.s. just because I thought it was funny: 

 P.p.s. The frizz in my hair is outrageous.


  1. This is so interesting, glad you are safe and having a good time. Happy New Year. Susanna!

  2. So glad you got to post this. The kids are adorable, especially Mammia. Happy New Year, keep in touch. Love you, Mom

  3. Love to read about your adventure, and it is just starting! Happy New Year, Love Dad.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. hope 2014 is treating you well! ;) ;) So excited to hear all about your adventures!!! (your new brother and sister look adorbz)
